Tagged “computer-science”

All posts tagged with “computer-science”:

Daily Coding Problem

One of my goals in this year is improve my coding skills, especially in algorithm and data structure. A few days ago, I discovered Daily Coding Problem so decided to give it a shot.

A programming language is not just a language

In theory, a programming language is just a set of keywords, syntax, semantics and operations, with some supporting libraries. Most of programming languages have if, else, do, while, for, switch, case, when, string, array, hash ..etc.. So what’s the difference?

Why Agile doesn’t work

As Scrum is the most popular in the industry by 2018, and others are not much different, with the exception of XP, I will discuss a broad view of Agile, and use specific illustration with Scrum to explain my opinion why Agile doesn’t work.